Sai Eternal Foundation, formerly known as Sai Engineering Foundation was founded in 1989. It was registered in accordance with Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Section 8(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 allows societies to be converted into a Section 8 Company. Accordingly, in 2022 it is converted into a Section-8 Non-Profitable Company. Foundation is financially sustainable as a business created to raise money and utilise the same for the welfare of society by undertaking charitable activities in various fields like education, health, environment, sports, agriculture, social welfare, construction-infrastructure services. Renewable Energy, livelihood, charities, disaster relief, water sanitation, etc. and similar objectives.

The company is dedicated to charitable and social welfare activities for the society, cutting across gender, caste, creed, colour or religion. It is guided by the teachings of Sai Baba i.e. “Love All, Serve All”, “Help Ever, Hurt Never”, “Manav Sewa, Madhav Sewa”, “Hands in society, Head in forest”, “Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray”. It has made a noticeable mark through its activities within a short span of its existence and is committed to persistently striving to reach out as far and wide as possible to provide succour and promote well rounded socio-economic development.
The resources for undertaking charitable activities come from revenue generating activities. The company is a self-sustaining entity – only one of its kind in the State; and does not lean on any financial support from Central or State Government or Semi-Government agencies. The society was converted into a Section-8 Non-Profitable Company after obtaining requisite approval from the State Government for diversification of activities and expansion of the territorial reach from Himalayan territories like Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand to pan-India and outside India. In a short span, the entity has moved in the direction of becoming a pulsating and thriving organisation.
Board Members are highly experienced and socially spirited individuals who bring different strengths, talents and abilities to the Board. The Board of Directors is revising the performance regularly and periodically reviewing the strategic plan and performance of the Foundation. They have joined the Board because of their passion and commitment to the vision and mission of the Foundation and society as a whole. Board members are fiduciaries who are steering the Foundation towards a sustainable future adopting sound, ethical and legal governance and financial management policies. They are making it sure that Non-Profit Foundation has adequate resources to advance its mission.
All the Board members are serving the Foundation as volunteers without any compensation. Passion, vision, leadership, stewardship, knowledge, integrity, competence, insight, dedication and effectiveness are key qualities of our Board members responsible for success and growth of the Foundation.
Er. Raj Kumar Verma
P.G. Dip. (Hons), ME (Hons), FIE & MISET
Message from our Founder Member
Over a quarter of a century ago, when the Foundation was established with the noble mission to serve the fellow human beings, the idea met with widespread scepticism. Some critics thought it to be a pipe dream, others rejected it as impossible and some thought of it as a utopian idea. A handful of like-minded people were convinced and committed enough to say “Let’s do it”. They were confident, brimming with positive attitude, committed to the idea and un-relenting hardwork with a firm belief in age old adage, “Hard work never goes un-rewarded”. It has been a momentous journey for the Foundation with its sweet and sour moments.

Mr. D.K. Sharma

Mr. R.K. Sood

Er. Vinod Kumar Bisht

Mr. B.S. Chauhan

Mr. Satish Sagar Sharma

Mr. Ajay Thakur

Prof. Shashi Kant Sharma
Honorary Advisor

Er. Munish Sharma
Chief General Manager

Ar. Hem Singh Thakur
Add. Chief General Manager

Er. Desh Raj Gandhi
General Manager (Monitoring)

Er. Himanshu Behl
General Manager (Mechanical)

Mr. Narender Kumar Gupta
Sr. Asstt. General Manager (Finance & Accounts)

Er. Rajeev Saklani
Sr. Asstt. General Manager (Construction)

Er. Sanjeev Pathania
Sr. Asstt. General Manager (Construction)

Mr. Suresh Thakur
Sr. A.G.M. (Purchase)

Mr. Vinay Barwal
A.G.M. (Liaisoning)

Er. Hemender Verma
A.G.M (Operation & Maintenance, Electrical Cell)

Mr. Bharat Thakur
A.G.M. (Administration) + H.R. Head + Organization Secretary

Er. Jiwan Sharma
Assistant General Manager (Tendering)

Mrs. Sunita Devi
Administrative Officer

Mr. R.K. Barwal
Law Officer