The Foundation has well established Construction Division comprising of experienced Engineers having rich experience in the various fields of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. The Foundation is already implementing a number of hydro-electric power projects in the difficult Himalayan terrain. The Construction Division has the record of implementing the construction projects in remote localities in time-bound manner while ensuring highest quality.
Construction Division has complete fleet of construction equipments, earth
moving equipment, tunneling equipment, concreting equipment, soil and slope stabilisation equipment etc. to undertake implementation of projects in
time-bound manner. Design and construction are main source of revenue
generation. The excess of income over expenditure is being utilized to furtherance aim and objectives of the foundation. Profit is not being shared by any board member or employee but the same is being utilised for undertaking various activities successfully and gradual growth of the Company.

The Company provided earthquake resistant design to Kargil Shaheed Subedar Tara Chand Govt. Senior Secondary School Khera, tehsil Nalagarh district Solan, Anand Vilas Sri Satya Sai School Pujarli and re-strengthening of Bishop Cotton School (BCS) Shimla. The Hostel building of BCS School was declared unsafe as first floor beams had cracked badly. The Company not only provided structural design but also undertook construction to rehabilitate and strengthen the building. It has also provided earthquake resistant design to construct Manav Seva Mandir at Solan being run by Indian Association of Muscular Dystrophy.
Sai Eternal Foundation in association with Sri Sathya Sai Trust Himachal Pradesh established a Meditation-cum-Educational Centre at Pujarli, very closed to Shimla City. This Centre has been designed in such a manner that it fulfills the requirements of congenial environment and peaceful ambience required for meditation. It has now become a center of tourist attraction as well. Spiritual courses and spiritual discourses on various facts are being organized regularly in this centre. Mohan Shakti Heritage Centre at Solan is another tourist centre at Solan designed and constructed by the Foundation.