Promotion of Agriculture & Horticulture
Himachal Pradesh is predominantly an agricultural State, where agriculture provides direct employment to 71 % of the total population. Less than one-fifth of the area under plough is under irrigation in the State and rest is rain-fed. Rain water harvesting is the only option for sustainable farming. The Company is working for promotion of horticulture to build prosperous Himachal Pradesh towards increasing productivity and profitability of the rural population. The Company has been procuring fruit plants from various nurseries and providing to the needy villagers. It has been organizing seminars on wormi-composting, natural farming so that the people are able to make the compost themselves from the bio-degradable waste.
Houses were installed in the rural areas for farmers to grow vegetables. The
Company has installed all greenhouses under government subsidy scheme whereby
Govt. contributes up to 80% of the cost of Green house. The Company contributed
for the farmers’ share of 20 % and the Company allocated Rs. 1 crore from its
own resources to undertake this activity. This has been a one-off activity.