Rural and Remote Area Development
Most of the villages in Himachal Pradesh are connected with HPSEB power grid, except for some of the very remote localities where it was not possible to provide electricity due to high altitude, lengthy transmission lines and inaccessibility. To electrify such left out localities was a formidable and extremely challenging but a noble task. The Company devoted itself to provide electricity to the Bara Bhangal in Kangra district, Saichu and Sural valleys in Pangi district Chamba.

Bara Bhangal (Kangra)
Bara Bhangal Panchayat in Distt. Kangra is situated in a very remote locality, which remains cut off from rest of the world for more than six months. The area is surrounded by high snow clad peaks and inhabited by poor and socio-economically backward people. It is in accessible during winter. Even during summers, one has to walk for more than 75 km to reach Bara Bhangal. The track passes through dense forests, high snow peaks and steep valleys. During winter temperature falls to below – 30 degrees Celsius. Locals use fuel wood chopping of deodar and other conifers for heating and also for lighting purposes.
The area is a land locked area having no road connectivity. People, therefore have to tread for days to reach other habitations. Keeping in view these insurmountable constraints, the Company decided to provide free electricity to these inhabitants of Bara Bhangal by constructing a stand-alone microHydel Power project catering exclusively to their needs. The task was not only tedious but cost-intensive as well. The Company constructed this project free of cost in one of the most hostile conditions. Free of cost Hydro Power Electricity by the Company has thus been benefiting about 600 people. Besides transmission line, the Company also met the expenditureon internal wiring of the houses.
Titang (Kinnaur)
In the entire district of Kinnaur, HPSEB transmission line of 22 KV runs parallel to the Satluj River. During winters, most of the transmission lines get damaged due to avalanches, landslides and rock slides. During summer and rainy season also, when discharge of water in the Satluj River increases due to fast melting of snow, poles get damaged due to flash flooding. Consequently, the local tribal population is deprived of sustained and quality supply of electrical energy, more so during winters when they need it the most.
No private company/firm/individual or commercial organization had ventured to put up a mini hydroelectric power project in such remote/tribal areas where local people had been facing energy crisis. The climatic conditions are harsh, temperatures down as low as -30 degree C and local people have no option but it use fuel wood, coal, kerosene oil, petroleum products and other bio-mass based fuels to meet their energy requirements. The Company decided to execute Titang Micro Hydel Project in such a remote area with the prime objective to serve the tribal population. The Company has also distributed room heaters and cooking heaters to the local villagers. It took loan to execute this project to the tune of Rs. 3.35 crore from IREDA and HP State Co-operative Bank Ltd. It is an UNDP-GEF demonstration unit. Despite the project is running in loss, the Company is operating it for the fulfilment of the energy requirements of the remote area.
Toss Village (Kullu)
The management of the Company decided to provide free of cost energy to the villagers of Toss which is located in the remote area of district Kullu. The Company had been providing free electricity to 148 dwelling units in Toss village. It has been making payment of energy-bills to HPSEBL of the local residents. Toss is the remotest village in the Manikaran valley located at high altitude of 2500 mtr above M.S.L.
Kunnu and Charang Villages (Kinnaur)
Kunnu and Charang are two villages of Kinnaur district, which even today are considered to be the most inaccessible and backward villages. Their backwardness is primarily due to the inaccessibility of the area and even today people have to walk for more than 15 kilometres to reach the habitations. The villagers have not been provided assured facility of electrification accompanied by conventional transmission lines. The Company has constructed KunnuCharang Mini Micro Hydel Power Project through its own resources as a charitable activity to electrify this remote locality.