Sai Scholarship
Under the aegis of “SAI SCHOLARSHIP” scheme, the Company has been providing financial assistance to economically weaker students. This is one of the most constructive initiatives of the Company. The recommendations for the students to be awarded Sai Scholarships are made by the respective school Principals, Headmasters and Director of Education department or by any other concerned authority. More than 8000 students have cumulatively benefitted from the initiative so far. As the financial resources of the Company gather more resilience, it will continuously endeavour to enlarge the net of these scholarships towards enabling meritorious students to become valuable assets of the society. Besides Sai Scholarship Scheme, the Company is also giving stipend and training allowance to the students for higher studies. It has also been providing “in-house” training to engineers, management trainees and organising skill up-gradation programs to youth. Scholarship is also being provided to students pursuing higher education in medical, nursing, engineering and other fields.